

Legal Services that are responsive, efficient, adaptive, and welcomed.

We look beyond pure legal needs to understand the context presented. As an example, often in business consulting, we are asked to advise of potential risks. If we counseled our clients away from every project with risk, they would be paralyzed. We have to analyze the risk in the context of our client’s business reality, to determine when risks really need to be avoided and when they are worth taking. We are your partners in business. Dealmakers, not deal-breakers.

Responsive. We strive to be available. We have a 24-hour return phone call policy. We also strive to provide the services you want at a cost you are willing to pay. C&R has embraced alternate fee arrangements (AFAs) and has a whole range of services that we provide on a fixed fee basis. We are also willing to discuss an AFA other than traditional hourly billing if it is right for your particular matter. Review our fees page for more specifics.

Efficient. Many firms advertise that they treat every case as unique. Efficiency and value come from knowing when a matter really requires a unique approach, or when a more streamlined approach can meet the client’s needs. Sometimes a cookie-cutter approach can be a very cost-effective way of addressing common issues. We will not reinvent the wheel each time if it is not necessary. That is the beauty of practicing in specialty areas. The key to efficiency is being able to quickly assess and identify where streamlined savings can be achieved and where more focus and creativity are warranted.

Adaptive. Sometimes the usual methods do not work and creativity is required. To be honest, projects, where we are required to step out of our normal boxes, are some of our favorites – and we are good at it. We use collaborative approaches at C&R and will brainstorm the best way to overcome a unique or difficult issue. In fact, many of our cases come from referrals from other lawyers just because it requires that out-of-the-ordinary approach. We live in a rapidly changing world and strive to stay on top of not only updates in law, but the latest tips and trends for your home and business. After all, we are business owners too!

Welcomed. Our clients value us and welcome our advice and services. And we like it that way. We win cases. We lose cases too. Any lawyer that tells you otherwise is being dishonest. We give the best assessment possible of each matter and constantly analyze risk versus reward, keeping a keen eye on cost. We strive to be much more than a provider of legal services. We will work hard to earn your confidence as trusted advisors, which won’t come from telling you what you want to hear. You may not like it in the moment, but most clients welcome the honesty in the end.

Areas of Practice

  • Business & Commercial Law
  • Commercial & Residential Real Estate
  • Business & Real Estate Litigation
  • Franchise Law
  • Mediation
  • Estate Planning